[The Masterclass Series]
Transformation Hub

One destination, multiple stops!

If your goal is to Transform your department or your business, OTEAcademy has created the Transformation Hub | The Masterclass Series, which approaches Business Transformation in an innovative and holistic method, covering in depth the needs of education at an individual and corporate level.

*OTEAcademy is a Societe Anonyme (S.A.), name «OTE EDUCATIONAL SOCIETE ANONYME», distinctive title OTEAcademy (Registration Number of Hellenic Business Registry: 003885601000) and has its seat at 1, Spartis & Pelika str. P.C. 151 22, Maroussi, Greece.


The educational program puts the person in focus. Tens of research, as well as experience – up to today – indicate that 3 out of 4 Business Transformation projects fail because of a lack of a proper mindset and the necessary corporate culture to adopt the change. The ways in which we conduct our business and work change rapidly and technology is a catalyst for change. We have to train constantly in new methods and work practices, as well as adopt the technology so we can be able to be an active part of this evolution.

With our motto #UpgradeYourSelf, the Transformation Hub begins by aiming to grow you as a professional. It widens your way of thought, prioritizing the creative solving of problems and designing innovative people-centric products and services. In addition, it evolves the way in which you work together with your colleagues, contributing to the creation of more flexible and efficient operating models.

It trains you on how to drive change and transformation through collaboration, how to set the proper KPIs and measure results, but also how to design a client-centric strategy utilizing digital abilities. 

In the end, you learn how to apply all of the above in business, utilizing the benefits of the Platform Economy, and the most developed transformative technologies such as Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence to improve your daily work, the processes of decision making and the competitive advantage of your department and your business.

Knowledge & Skills

You obtain a better understanding of the effect and the disruption that technology brings at an individual and corporate level. You can identify the changes in consumer behavior easier. You develop your skills to recognize the needs of your department and your business. You understand the value that you can provide as the exponent of the new reality. You are in a position to utilize fast and efficiently new tools and innovative methods. You design and implement the proper strategies for organizational change. You enrich your knowledge to lead the change.

Transformation Hub in a few words

  • Experiental Learning
  • Hands-on exercises
  • Participation in teams
  • Real case studies
  • Methodology, Tools & Methods
  • Manual of use for immediate application
  • Certificate of Attendance

Target audience

The Transformation Hub was designed to cover the needs of professionals that are active in a sector that has been disrupted by the digital revolution. It is aimed at decision makers and change agents, at directors and managers from different departments such as Marketing, Sales, Operations, HR, IT & Digital etc. At executives and businesses that seek to make a difference and lead the growth, increasing their competitive advantage.

Adjusted to your needs!

The Transformation Hub is a dynamic training program that takes place in a period of 2-3 months. To get the biggest possible benefit from the program, we recommend you attend more than 3 all-day Masterclasses. However, the structure of the program is flexible and allows you to choose and attend only the Masterclasses that interest you. Masterclasses take place in English. Contact us for more information.

Vincent Sider
Mike Bugembe
Kostas Perifanos
Rania Svoronou
[Masterclass Series 2019]